Nell has studied Witchcraft, Paganism and Herb law all her life, and loves Nature.
Spells animals magic
Spells and more Spells!
I have been interested in Witchcraft ever since I was a child. In fact, I think I was born with a bell, book and candle in my hand.
Witchcraft or Wicca is Pagan. But what does that mean? Well, literally Pagan means of the Heath or lover of Nature.
Witchcraft has been given a bad name over the years, but if we look at all religions especially way back in history, most of them have a form of magic. Magical incantations in their words, rituals in their daily lives and gemstones, candles and incense to help them in their daily prayers.
My first group of spells involve animals. We all know of the Familiar or Witches cat. But there are many animals that can be evoked in a spell.
Throughout history, people have made and used animal omens to bring them luck while at sea or fighting wars. Carved from wood or bone, sailors would take with them small fish or whale shaped images to bring good luck while on the stormy seas.
And when hunting, you would always find a hunter with a carved animal in his belt.
Many wood or stone carvings of animals are made for their protection too. Even today we place carved wild animals made from stone or wood in our gardens. Psychologically we have them as Totems because we love them. And who’s to say they are not there to protect the animal?
Take the fox carving below, its there to say no to hunting.
My Favorite Spell Book!
Animal Wood Carvings – To protect the animals
This says No Fox Hunting here.
True Blue
Blue candles
How to use Spells to Communicate with Animals
Eve Oil
- Place apple blossoms, snakeroot and dried pomegranate seeds in a bottle.
- Cover with jojoba and sweet almond oil.
- Cover candles with the oil to help visualization and physical communication.
As you are purifying and getting ready to do the ritual, start to visualize the animal that you wish to communicate with.
Try to find a small stone that looks similar in shape to the animal in question. And if you can’t find one, paint a small picture of the animal on it and keep it in your pocket.
When casting your spell try to make up your own words. Its all very well using other peoples spells, but for a more powerful ritual write down your own words in your Grimoire (spell book).
Psychic animal bonds
Make a Psychic Bond
We all have a bond with our animals. We love them, protect them and make them part of our family. But sometimes we wish we could mentally understand or use a form of telepathy to understand what they are trying to tell us. This spell will help you make a psychic bond.
- Cast a large circle around you on the floor. It has to be large enough to add your animal, magical tools and anything else you wish to consecrate.
- Don’t forget to add animal collars and coats. And your written spell.
- Around the edge of the circle burn Frankincense joss sticks or cones.
- Sit within the circle with your pet and repeat spell. The sit as long as you feel comfortable.
- Always ‘undo’ the circle by clearing it the opposite way you closed it, i.e. Widdershins. (ant-Clockwise)
Dream your pet or familiar
How to Choose the right Familiar/Pet
We all know what its like to fall in love with that new kitten or puppy. But you cannot force it to love you back. Sometimes you may need a little help to discover whether that animal is the right one for you.
This is where Divination can come in handy. Either cast the cards yourself and ask the question out loud, ‘Is this the right pet for me?’ Or get someone to cast for you.
A good way to see if the pet is the right one is to concentrate on it before bed and try to direct your dreams towards it. If you can see the animal clearly then it’s for you. If you cannot see it or feel it, then it’s the wrong one. In fact, many people dream of another one completely. That is their totem spirit animal. It was calling to you.
Be Telepathic with your Pets!
How to Attract the Right Animal to you
We all know that animals have a six sense. But not many realise that actually, it’s really a form of telepathy. I personally have a very strange, and sometimes quite funny affinity to dogs.
While out walking I seem to attract them! Walking through the local park recently I saw a guy in front of me with his small dog on a leash. I am not sure what type of dog it was, just small, furry and very cute.
It spotted me, and much to the owner’s chagrin, dragged him over to me so that I could pet his belly. The dogs, not the guys!
That happens all the time. Dogs cross over the road to be petted. But of course, not all dogs act that way. And let’s face it, cats are much more obstreperous where it comes to making friends with their new owners!
Animal Invitation Spell
- Use a focal image for your altar. A photo, a toy or image. It has to be a literal depiction of the animal you want.
- Next to the picture place images of what that animal would have in its life with you. Cats are easy, so are dogs, but if you prefer a rabbit for example then put hay or grass next to it.
- Add animal shaped candles, or candles with the image of the animal imprinted on the sides.
- Next, you need Spirit summoning incense. This can be cinnamon or frankincense.
- Relax and visualise the animal that you want to draw to you.
- Do this every day for up to 30 days. The animal you wish will soon appear.
Check out these Good/Bad Omens!
- Animal, Insect, and Bird Omens and Their Meanings
People have always been superstitious, seeing signs in nature that will either bring them good luck or bad. This article explores animal, bird, and insect omens and their meanings.
Animal Healing Spell
When your pet is ill or hurt its a horrible feeling knowing that they are suffering. Apart from the obvious help such as a vet or medication, you can help them along by doing this spell.
- Cast your circle and place thistles at the four cardinal points. North, south, east and west.
- Place your animal inside the that the spell is intensified.
- Chant your spell or words over the animal. You can either write your own or you can light a white candle and appeal to St. Benedict. Keep an eye out for a crow outside your window. This will indicate that your spell has been heard.
- Do this for as long as your animal is unwell.
- When he/she is recovered, add Masterwort (Astrantia) in a pouch around the animal’s neck for strength and protection.
A Pet Blessing
Protect your pets the Wiccan way.
Lady Abigail copyright
Lasting Protection of your Pet
For long term physical and health protection for your animal;
- Find a candle or create one that resembles your pet.
- Carve symbols of protection on it as well as the animal’s name.
- Anoint the candle with oil and then burn it. If you wish, burn one and keep another. Make sure you keep one burning at all times. When its gone, make another.
Candle Magic
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Even Witches can be big Softies Too!
People have always used spells and incantations throughout history to heal, ask for help or deliverance, and other major things in their lives. And up until recently each and every one of them, whatever religion they believe in have used these tools to center their minds and invoke the Spirits, Gods, or Saints.
These days just using the word spell seems to conjure up witchcraft or demonology. But of course, that is completely wrong.
Whatever religion you believe in, they can all be helped by invoking the Universe for help.
And let’s face it, where our animals are concerned we would go to the ends of the earth to help them!
But then again, we are all big softies, aren’t we?
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2019 Nell Rose
Nell Rose (author) from England on July 13, 2020:
Thanks Bobbie, here’s one I found for you.…
Bobbie on July 12, 2020:
First I want to say that I love your work and honesty. Ok for my question I was wondering if you could help me come up with a spell to heal my kitten? Or do you know one I could use?
Nell Rose (author) from England on March 24, 2019:
6 cats, that’s awesome! lol! I do hope your young cat gets better, we do worry when anything goes wrong. Thanks Flourish.
Nell Rose (author) from England on March 23, 2019:
Thanks Peggy, yes I love all the animal spells, great for Wiccans.
FlourishAnyway from USA on March 21, 2019:
I totally connect with cats. I have 6 and am concerned about my young cat who just had his second cancer surgery in 8 months. He’s a tough little fella and so sweet. I just want him healthy and protected. He was once feral. I enjoyed reading this article.
Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on March 21, 2019:
I would agree with you that we are all softies when it comes to the pets that we love. This was an interesting article to read.
Nell Rose (author) from England on March 08, 2019:
Thanks Mark, anything magical to help our furry friends!
Mark Tulin from Ventura, California on March 06, 2019:
I love cats and this is a great article on healing spells. Thanks for the thorough education on witchcraft.
Nell Rose (author) from England on February 12, 2019:
Thanks Chitrangada, yes each religion has a special affinity to animals, thank goodness. Always good to hear from you.
Chitrangada Sharan from New Delhi, India on February 12, 2019:
Excellent article Nell!
This kind of knowledge is quite rare and specific and you explained everything so well.
Animals and birds have religious significance in Hinduism too.
I always enjoy reading such articles from you.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
Nell Rose (author) from England on February 11, 2019:
Thanks Tim, yes our pets are so special to us, and this gentle little ‘magic’ spells definitely help. whatever the religion we have always said mantras prayers or spells to protect. I totally love candle magic, its amazing!
Nell Rose (author) from England on February 09, 2019:
Thanks John, I have always been interested in this sort of thing, I am a cross between a pagan, and a psychologist! lol! hope your two dogs are better soon.
Nell Rose (author) from England on February 09, 2019:
Hi Paula, me too! we have always had cats and dogs, witchcraft is just another word for waying prayers really. lol! yes cats can be really witchy! and a pain when they yell constantly, LOL! thanks as always. Peace, nell
John Hansen from Queensland Australia on February 08, 2019:
This was an enjoyable read as well as being educational, Nell. I have two old dogs who have not been well lately. I may need to use a couple of those healing spells on them. Thanks for sharing.
Suzie from Carson City on February 08, 2019:
Hey girlfriend…..Being an animal lover, I truly love this article. You’ve passed on some new info to me and I especially appreciate learning!
I’ve been Mommy to so many fur babies in my lifetime, always having at least one cat and one dog, often more.
Currently I have my 3 precious felines. Cats are definitely mysterious with individual, fascinating personalities! I have no problem understanding their connection to witchcraft. My 2 males are sweet, laid back & playful guys. But my female? Oh, she is one hell of a witch!! I’m thoroughly convinced she’s the reincarnation of an old, ornery nun I knew in High School!! Total Bitch!! LOL….Thanks for the education & entertainment, Miss Nell. Peace, Paula
Nell Rose (author) from England on February 08, 2019:
Thanks Pamela, I am so glad you liked it!
Pamela Oglesby from Sunny Florida on February 08, 2019:
Nell, I enjoyed your article on animal spirits and I learned so much from this article.The connection with animals through spells was so interesting.
Have a good weeend Nell.
Nell Rose (author) from England on February 08, 2019:
Thanks so much, Tim. Yes so many Saints are there for our furry friends! lol! and yes, call them spells prayers or whatever, every religion does it one way or another.
Tim Truzy from U.S.A. on February 08, 2019:
Excellent, Nell. I love your work because it’s informative and educational. It was interesting to learn about the saints who are guardians of various animals. I also liked reading about connecting with your animals through these spells.
You are quite right: all of the major religions of the Earth have magick within, and a wise person should seek to learn as much as possible about these things for spiritual growth, prosperity, and protection.
You are a talented, kind, and informative author who inspires and provide a wealth of data for your readers.
Peace be yours, Nell, until I read your next wondrous article.