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Dolores Cannon: Was ist das Unterbewusstsein?

A Pioneer in Quantum Healing Hypnosis: Dolores Cannon’s 45-Year Journey of Discovery

For over four decades, Dolores Cannon has been a trailblazer in the field of Quantum Healing Hypnosis. Her journey began in a time when this technique was unknown and unexplored, with no books, guides, or resources to offer guidance. Undeterred, she embarked on a remarkable path of self-discovery, creating her own unique technique and uncovering profound insights that had never been witnessed before.

In the absence of any established methodology, Cannon’s determination and inquisitive spirit led her to invent her own technique. Through trial and error, she honed her skills, gradually unraveling new aspects that were previously unexplored and unknown by others in the field. This process allowed her to encounter a force, an energy that she now considers the most powerful in the universe.

Describing it as an incomparable force with absolute power, Cannon attests that this energy possesses the remarkable ability to provide answers to any question posed by individuals. Furthermore, it possesses the remarkable capability to facilitate instant healing, resolving issues and ailments with unparalleled speed. Over time, this force became an integral part of her work, influencing and shaping her approach to spiritual and physical healing.

Initially, Cannon struggled to find a suitable name for this force that had become an indispensible aspect of her practice. She settled on the term “subconscious,” as her interactions with it felt like she was engaging with a larger, higher self or consciousness. Many of her students also refer to it as the SC, recognizing its role as a wellspring of knowledge and absolute power.

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According to Cannon, this force transcends traditional boundaries and encompasses a vast expanse of wisdom and understanding. Some may describe it as the higher self, the Oversoul, or the universal consciousness. Regardless of the name, it represents something significant, expansive, and profound. By developing a technique to communicate with this force, Cannon tapped into a well of knowledge and power that has revolutionized her work.

As Cannon reflects on her experiences, she describes the mesmerizing and beautiful nature of working with this force. Witnessing firsthand the miracles it can accomplish and its ability to instantly heal individuals is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Its entry into a person’s being results in rapid and profound transformation, a sight that she finds both incredible and uplifting.

Passionate about sharing her knowledge and techniques, Cannon encourages anyone with an interest in Quantum Healing Hypnosis to explore the training opportunities now available online. With the advancements in technology, her valuable teachings are accessible to individuals worldwide and can be easily accessed through her website, DoloresCannon.com.

Indeed, Dolores Cannon’s 45-year journey has been one of discovery, inventiveness, and transformation. Her dedication to exploring the unknown and communicating with the subconscious force has paved the way for groundbreaking healing modalities and spiritual insights. As her work continues to inspire and captivate, her legacy in the field of Quantum Healing Hypnosis remains an enduring testament to the power of human curiosity and the limitless potential of the human spirit.