Home » Weiße magie » Even With Mercury in Retrograde, Next Week's New Moon Brings Promising News for Love and Money

Even With Mercury in Retrograde, Next Week's New Moon Brings Promising News for Love and Money

Cosmic Health is your day-by-day source of celestial advice — with a wellness twist. Astrologer Jennifer Racioppi looks to the stars to find out what's in store for your week when it comes to food, fitness, sleep, sex, and more. See All

The week begins on Monday, February 8th, with Mercury in its inferior conjunction to the sun at 20 degrees of Aquarius, his retrograde cycle's height or climax. This correlates with our experience of the Mercury retrograde effect and is the thick of his retrograde lessons and mayhem.

Yes, Monday might bring a few logistical or communication snafus, but you can temper these effects by tuning in to your intuition, which will likely come in loud and clear. Similar to how you might embrace a new moon as a time to set intentions for change and growth, Mercury's alignment with the sun is another critical opportunity to pivot. Take it.

As the moon wanes dark from the 9th to the 11th, you are invited to let go of the old and make room for what's yet to come. (The upcoming new moon is at 23 ° Aquarius on February 11th at 2:36 pm, ET.)

Additionally on Tuesday, February 9th, Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure, perfects his sextile to Chiron, bringing our focus to our wounds. Should pain arrive this week, mine it for all of its depth — it's pointing toward an evolving understanding of your purpose.

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On the 10th, Mercury in Aquarius squares Mars in Taurus — a disharmonious angle that may prompt aggression or harsh words. Tread lightly, and stay mindful of what you say. Given that it's a dark moon, amid Mercury's retrograde, prudence in communication proves fruitful now.

Instead of lashing out, find your journal and pen, and put words on the page . Or call a friend adept at holding space for your shadow, and speak freely to them about what's upsetting you. Or call a therapist or healer, and ask them to hold space for your frustration (s). No matter what you choose, work to mindfully process whatever comes up for you before you fire back. Otherwise, you may find yourself needing to play cleanup later in the week, which, frankly, will feel like an unnecessary distraction given that the upcoming new moon may prove particularly advantageous.

Jupiter and Venus come together to amplify the promise of a bountiful fresh start — with potential for good news around love and money.

The Aquarius new moon is extremely potent, powerful, and promising, because at the time of the new moon, there are six planets in Aquarius, with Venus conjunct Jupiter, while Mercury is also in an applying conjunction to both Venus and Jupiter. Said another way, Jupiter, the planet of optimism and growth, as well as Venus, who rules love, come together (along with Mercury, too) to amplify the promise of a bountiful fresh start — with potential for good news around love and money .

To maximize your ability to conjure your desires, set a heartfelt and compelling intention, and stay clear of drama. Venus and Mercury conjoin on Saturday while Mars and Neptune sextile too, sweetening the pot even more. This is an excellent day to tend to your longings, ask for what you need, and nurture yourself.

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That said, in the backdrop of all of this, we are approaching the first of three Saturn-Uranus squares, which will happen on the 17th — a topsy-turvy combination that can unground the grounded. Meaning, while yes, this new moon and the week ahead holds a lot of potential, make sure to stay levelheaded. With this clash of the titans looming, hold space for the “and.” Again, there's potential amid all of this challenge, but the challenges are far from being wrapped up.

J ennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic — a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women's health — which she uses to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success. Order her book, Cosmic Health, here .

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