Home » Weiße magie » This Week's Full Cold Moon in Virgo Brings the Energy of Relief — Here's How Your Sign Can Maximize Those Benefits

This Week's Full Cold Moon in Virgo Brings the Energy of Relief — Here's How Your Sign Can Maximize Those Benefits

O n Saturday February 27th, the full cold moon occurs in Virgo at 3:17 am, ET, when the moon is exactly opposite in the sky from the Pisces sun. In astrology, Virgo is a grounded earth sign, representing health, cleanliness, and details. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Pisces is an intuitive water sign, which moves and flows based on emotion versus reality. The positive integration of these energies provides for an emotional release that will enable us to move forward and create under its influence. This is aptly nicknamed the cold moon because it can feel like the most intense part of winter in the northern hemisphere, before the harsh conditions soften in preparation for spring.

An astrological factor that's important to keep in mind is that this full moon in Virgo is under the influence of the challenging Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus square that just occurred on February 17th. This is the first in a series of three major squares that will occur this year, with the first impacting the weather, intensifying socio-economic discussions, and forcing many to change certain life structures to align with this new normal. While the first part of the year has felt jarring to many for these reasons, the universe is now offering the collective some much-needed healing and support with this upcoming full moon in Virgo.

The full moon in Virgo presents an opportunity for manifestation through sudden shifts.

The full moon in Virgo presents an opportunity for manifestation through sudden shifts. Forming a harmonious aspect with Uranus in Taurus, the connection brings visions and ideas into practical reality through the energy of Earth. Much of what was delayed or brewing under the surface during Mercury retrograde in Aquarius will move forward in accordance with this full moon in Virgo. Do keep in mind, though, that events or changes can take place for up to two weeks after the full moon occurs, and while change can feel jarring, know that it's meant to help you stabilize and align with your highest good in the long run .

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A beautiful planetary connection during this full moon is the Pisces sun forming a connection with Venus, goddess of peace, love, harmony, and abundance. When in Pisces, Venus energy calls for you to access your higher wisdom and inner creativity to bring your dreams into practical reality. Prepare for the full moon to light the pathway forward.

Use the powerful energy of this full moon in Virgo to turn inward, and assess what you require in order to heal and move through any challenges you've recently experienced. Below, learn how you can use the healing power of the Virgo full moon for your sign.

What the powerful full moon in Virgo means for your sign


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Your health, well-being, and daily routine is in the lunar spotlight, and the universe is calling for a change. You may have been burning the candle at both ends, especially in your tasks, and now this is your time to focus on your physical body and limit your workload. You now can feel motivated to start publicly sharing creative dreams and ideas you have previously kept private.

Your full-moon self-care tip: As a fire sign, you tend to Naturally have a lot of energy, but even you can experience burnout. Revive and reconnect back into your inner world with a moment of restoration on the day of the full moon. Indulge in an energy-cleansing bath, and light lavender incense during your bath to promote relaxation.


The full moon in Virgo is enlightening your fifth house of creativity, children, and self-expression. You could begin a new creative endeavor that comes through your connections and aligns with your future dreams. Some Tauruses could experience a new romance, or even focusing on children. Use this time to step into your personal power, dream big, and be open to the possibilities.

Your full-moon self-care tip: Writing a nurturing letter to your inner child can be a therapeutic way to spend this full moon. Are there ways in which you are hard on yourself, seek perfectionism, or feel shame surrounding sharing your truth? Start to re-craft these stories and center them around self-love, and releasing judgment. This healing will allow you to fully embrace the positive energy of the full moon.


Your home can be undergoing some growth or periods of change in order to align with your dreams. This could be new renovations, people moving out, or even a relocation. Embrace it as an opportunity to feel more emotionally grounded and resolve some of the inner tension you've been feeling.

Your full-moon self-care tip: Life changes involving your foundation and internal world can add pressure, so releasing this energy at this time through breathwork can give you the energy you need to do the work and planning required of you. Take time on the day of the full moon to restore your busy mind and energy centers with a remote breathwork session.


Moon cycles are important for you, Cancer, as the moon is your planetary ruler. Your wisdom is needed, and the cosmos is pushing you to increase your knowledge with education. The full moon is encouraging you to come out of your shell as it's in your communication and higher learning sectors. Tap into your creativity and knowledge, as you have a lot to offer the world.

Your full-moon self-care tip: Indulging in your creativity during the full moon can provide the healing moment you've needed for spiritual growth and well-being. Purchase a blank canvas and some watercolors. You don't have to be a pro, just allow yourself to be intuitively inspired, free of judgment. Hang your finished painting close to your workspace to best harness this energy.


Financing or material gain you've been waiting on could come through, giving you some much needed relief. This can help make the recent changes to a significant working relationship easier to navigate, better aligning you with your life's purpose. You can only go up from here.

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Your full-moon self-care tip: Scripting is a powerful metaphysical tool where you can craft your reality by simply using your thoughts and words . Set your intentions in writing for how you want things to develop to put the energy out into the universe during the full moon.


A full moon in your zodiac sign amplifies its potency for you, personally. This could bring harmony and romance to a new potential or existing partnership, or you could find joy and expansion in a creative collaboration. This also signals a time where working with others can bring abundance and relieve a lot of the stress of your recently busy schedule.

Your full-moon self-care tip: Taking time off is the first step to restore yourself — mind, body, and soul. Use the full moon's potent energy to indulge in a meditative yoga session with a sound bath recording of your choice. This will allow you to connect back with your physical body while restoring your energy with sound.


New developments in your health and daily routine can occur today. Perhaps you have felt anxious over some changes taking place in your work, a health concern, or are experiencing delays in your day-to-day life. With the full moon in Virgo forming a harmonic aspect with the Pisces sun and your ruling planet, Venus, you can now start to see forward movement and have any burdens start to lift.

Your full-moon self-care tip: Your physical health is closely linked with your thoughts. It's advised to speak with your physician prior to incorporating based on your body's needs, but tapping into the healing power of essential oils can help ease tension in the mind. Add some to an oil diffuser at night prior to bed to help achieve peace during the full moon.


The full moon could signal the start of a romantic relationship or a positive turn in a current one. Your network and social contacts will also be amplified, and you could find luck in reanimating those connections. This may be the result of the cosmos easing some of your emotional tension or recent changes in the home that could have been blocking this new abundance from coming in.

Your full-moon self-care tip: Self-love is the key to magnetism, so tap into a simple self-love ritual with a red candle, red pen, and parchment paper. With the pen and paper, write a love letter to yourself in first person. Read this aloud to yourself, invoking the feeling of love. Fold it in half, and roll the paper towards you. Light the candle and concentrate your intentions into the flame. Sleep with the paper under your pillow to lock in this new energy.


Your career and life path is in the spotlight as the full moon is occurring in your 10th house of career and influencing your home and emotional world. After much work or delay in progress, you can now start to experience the road opening before you. A new opportunity or living situation can give you the abundance and positive growth you've been working towards.

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Your full-moon self-care tip: A vision of the future comes naturally to you, Sagittarius. Harness this power by creating a visual vision board of where you envision your career going. This will allow you to truly set an intention. Hang your finished board where you do your work, and wait for the magic to start.


Changes in regards to your finances and how You earn an income could have kept your mind busy recently, but now the cosmos are providing you with the ideas for growth and expansion. Perhaps a new side business or new career path was delayed. In this case, now you can receive some lucky news or an opportunity to help you reach more people. This is helping you to break free from the restriction you once felt and truly own your creative voice.

Your full-moon self-care tip: Enhance and tap into your higher wisdom with a mirror meditation. This is a simple technique to connect with yourself through the power of sight. It can also boost your self-esteem and trust in your own ideas. Take time during the full moon to meditate while sitting in front of a mirror.


Your personal power and self-worth are being amplified by the full moon. This is an area of ​​your life that has gone through major self-reflection, and now new opportunities can present themselves to help provide financial relief. The key is to ask for what you are worth and implement the lessons you have learned surrounding this. It's time to take the next step in your creative goals.

Your full-moon self-care tip: Gratitude can be a powerful method of manifestatio n by focusing your energy on what you do have. On the full moon, create a list of five things you are grateful for. Begin to incorporate honoring and reading this list each morning after for the next two weeks. As you read, invoke the feeling of gratitude and then release attachment for the rest of the day. Watch the synchronicities start to increase as your gratitude grows.


Love, relationships, and your own role in them is the theme for you surrounding the full moon in your seventh house of relationships. Is the love for yourself balanced with the love for another? Self-love is powerful, and this lunar event is giving you an opportunity to practice this. Some pisces relationships can deepen, while others who are single could start a new romance. Dive in, but balance with practicality, too.

Your full -moon self-care tip: Reconnecting with your element water can feel extremely healing. This is another sign that would benefit from a spiritual bath; use this time to self-reflect and nurture your soul.

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